The Possibility Solution for Leaky Gut Syndrome

Phenol composites are naturally occurring and are easily metabolized by most people. The people that are not able to metabolize them properly experience a range of health issues when they eat foods that contain these composites. There are a number of problems that can arise, but most specifically sensitive people suffer from leaky gut syndrome and mild allergic reactions like reddened skin. This sensitivity can reduce the foods people can eat, lead to constant discomfort or cause vitamin deficiencies because it prevents the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

Improving the Digestion

Not digesting plant proteins properly leaves the product in the intestines too long and allows bacteria and yeast to thrive and toxins to enter the body. This serious concern led to the development of nutraflora fos. This product contains the enzyme Xylanase that breaks down the cell walls of plant cells. It improves the efficiency of the digestive system when plant products are consumed and eliminates the side effects. Use of the supplement helps to reduce the sensitivity to phenol composites in many people and make it possible for them to enjoy fruits and vegetables.

Understanding the Product

Exactly how this product works so successfully is not actually known. It is suspected that it functions in a way similar to the low-carbohydrate diets people with Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome use to keep their conditions under control. Despite any concrete answers regarding how it works, studies have proven it to be a it is a safe solution since it is made from all-natural enzymes.

Using the Supplement

Studies have not shown any adverse effects from high doses and the dosage amount is adjustable according to what the consumer needs for comfort. When ordering nofenol by houston enzymes the customer can choose between capsules and chewable tablets. This makes it easy for children to take the supplement. It is recommended that the tablets or capsules be taken with food for the best result.

As with any medication or supplement it is important to begin using it with caution. Prior to purchasing nofenol by houston enzymes the customer should discuss with their doctor or pharmacist whether enzyme products may interact with their current prescriptions. It may not be safe for people with enzyme allergies or allergies to fungal proteins. The product may take several days or weeks to work effectively. Once the correct dosage level is discovered the relief is often immediate. Slowly add new fruits and vegetables to the diet to avoid complications and discomfort.

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